
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gratuity in India

What is gratuity ?

Under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, it is employers statutory liability to pay 15 days salary (15/26 of a month's wages) for every completed years service to each of his employees on their exit, for any reason after five years of continuous service, subject to maximum limit of 3.5 lacs. Higher benefits can be paid if the employer so desires. Gratuity payable to the employees can be paid as and when liability arises and can be claimed as deductable expense under P & L A/c of the relevant financial years. However, the sound system of financial management envisages providing for Gratuity liability every year and claiming the tax benefits as it is mandatory as per Accounting Standards 15 (AS15) to account for the liability on Actual basis.

Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

Object: It is an Act to provide for a scheme for the payment of gratuity to employees engaged in factories, mines, oilfields, plantations, ports, railway companies, and shops or other establishments.

Applicability: Any Employer of the above noted establishments where 10 or more persons are employed or were employed on any day of the preceding 12 months is liable to pay gratuity to its employees. Once the Act becomes applicable, it continues even if the number of employees falls below ten.

Entitlement: Gratuity is payable to an employee (nominee - in case of death of employee) who has rendered continuous service of five years or more on his termination of employment, superannuation, retirement or resignation. Completion of continuous service of five years is not necessary where the termination of employment is due to death of disablement.

Calculation: W x Y x 15/26 where W = Last Wage drawn i.e., basic + DA
Y = number of completed years of continuous service (six months or less to be ignored and more than six months to be counted as full year.
15 = 15 days salary
26 = No. of working days in a month.

Maximum Limit: Rs.3.5 lacs. (w.e.f 24-09-1997)

Time Limit for application to employer: Employee has to make an application in Form-I to his employer within 30 days from the date of gratuity becomes payable.